Gary Norland Safety Presentations

The Impact of an Injury

You don’t go through this ‘a day at a time’ because it’s too big. You can only go through it a moment at a time.  ~ Jeanne Norland (Gary’s wife)

The Impact of an Injury
“What are you risking?”

A Safety-First Presentation by Gary Norland

Gary Norland Safety Presentation – The Official Video


The video presentation is a perfect eye-opening safety training session for new employees, continuing education for current employees, and reminders for managers as they coach their staff. Learn how you can prevent accidents in your business by hearing Gary’s profound story of 12.5 Still Alive, Life After 12,500 Volts that will change your perspective on safety.

Order Gary's Safety Presentation

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Gary Norland Safety Presentations does not allow the filming, videoing or rebroadcasting of the presentation in any manner without its written consent. A video of his presentation can be purchased separately. If you purchase a video, the video cannot be rebroadcast, posted online in any private or public format without the written consent of Gary Norland Safety Presentations.*

Striving to promote and educate your business and employees on the importance of safety awareness, Gary Norland presents his profound story of 12.5 Still Alive, Life After 12,500 Volts that will change your perspective on safety and how an injury can cause a ripple effect on a person, their family, coworkers and community.

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DVD, Thumb-Drive

The Impact Of Gary's Story

“Having an accident is like throwing a pebble into a pond.  It creates a ripple effect that impacts more than just you.”

Impact on Your Business

If you’re even remotely interested in the topic of safety, please pay close attention…

Most people don’t know what the true impact of an injury will be on their lives, until one happens. At that moment in time, everything they thought about safety changes.

But why wait until an accident happens to make changes that can prevent one from happening in the first place? That’s where my presentation will challenge you to act.

If you own a business, preventing an accident means reduced liability, better insurance premiums, and increased productivity (people are working instead of being hurt).

But more than that … preventing injuries from accidents means reduced stress, faster business growth, and better public relations. Overall, it means a healthier bottom line and better workplace standards for your employees.

If you’re an individual, focusing on something I call “safety first – safety always” not only means reducing your chances of dealing with an accident … it also means your friends, family and community won’t have to feel the impact of one on their lives, either.

And that’s what my DVD is all about…

Impact on Your Community

There is a reason my DVD is titled Impact of an Injury.

Most of us believe an accident will never happen to us. We also like to think it would only affect us and no one else.

Tell that to my son, who must play the role of “Dad” at times, or my daughter … who must protect me at times.
Or tell that to Jeanne, my wife (my angel) … who has had her life turned upside-down since my accident.

Then there’s the community I live in, my friends, and co-workers who have literally had their lives thrown in upheaval because of what happened in one fateful second.

I explain all of that in crisp and clear detail in my presentation. This presentation reflects my life before, during and after the accident.  

You will see, hear, and feel how one shortcut on the job in the name of “I have plans” on changed my life and the lives of everyone I know dramatically.

You will fully understand the risk of an accident happening to you and how the lives of so many people you love could be changed forever.

It can literally change your life or the lives of your employees…