Gary Norland Safety Presentations

Seven Workspace Safety Tips for Industrial Employees

Seven Workspace Safety Tips for Industrial Employees

Working inside an industrial facility can be challenging when compared to any other work environment. If you’re an employee reading this, you already know about the safety protocols. In this article, we will take one step further to improve safety inside an industrial workspace. It ensures well-being for everyone inside the facility. 

1) Inform supervisors, even if it’s a “fun-size” unsafe condition.

If you happen to notice something unsafe, try to remove it on your own or inform your supervisor about it. Even if you feel that situation doesn’t hurt anybody, you still have to take appropriate action. Sometimes, problems that start at an atomic level rise their way up and cause massive explosions or hazards.

2) Watch out for slips and trips

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, slips, trips, and falls are the second most leading cause of nonfatal occupational injuries. It’s essential to make sure the paths, stairs, and workspace remain clear from spills and are safe to prevent employees from slipping or falling. 

3) Wear personal protective equipment when necessary

When cleaning up messes or operating equipment, don’t let your work experience trick you into feeling safe without the safety kits. They protect you against injuries, reduce stress in the workspace, and deliver peace of mind. Your protective equipment can also enhance your work quality. 

4) Use (or learn how to use) work equipment, machinery, and tools appropriately. 

When you’re using work tools, make sure you know how to use them properly. If you’re not sure how to operate, don’t wait for a second thought. Ask an expert and educate yourself. Misusing equipment can also end up in workplace injuries. 

5) Keep the facility’s emergency exit clear from obstacles

Here’s a responsibility for everyone in the workplace. An emergency exit can be one of the least used paths in a facility but is crucial. Make sure to remove garbage or any obstacles that block your way to the emergency exit. If the exit doorway is blocked, you may not be able to make a quick run away when a crisis happens. 

6) Know and get rid of fire hazards. 

If you’re a new person to the facility, learn about the possible fire hazards. If you’re somebody who handles combustible materials every day at work, make sure to only keep the appropriate amount for the task at hand. Always store the flammable materials in a secure place that’s away from a spark. 

7) Avoid back injuries

This is something that most people neglect. When you’re working inside a facility, you’re prone to lift heavy materials or equipment. To avoid breaking your back, follow the best practices when lifting things. Some of them are…

  • Keeping your back straight while lifting
  • Use your legs to lift if necessary
  • If it’s too heavy, ask for help from your co-workers
  • Utilize the use of forklift if available. 


Now, those are the 7 tips for improving your workspace safety. Practice them in your work life and share them with your co-workers and anybody that makes a living inside an industrial facility. 

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